Selected tour

product title:

Arktisk hundekjøring i Bolterdalen

Departure date:

3 December 2024


Minimum: 3 persons
Age limit: 6 years

Coffee or tea
Guide with emergency and safety equipment
Transport to and from accommodation
Warm clothing: Snowmobile suit, boots, gloves, hat, goggles and balaclava
Search- and rescue insurance

During the polarnight (medio november-january) if not enough snow, we will offer you dog sledding on wheels. This trip is not suitable for persons suffering from back pains or pregnant women. Basecamp takes no responsibility to any health issues, due to neglecting this advice.

Safety is our top priority during our trips. It is necessary for you to be able to communicate in English or a Scandinavian language if you want to join our excursions. The tour language (English or a Scandinavian language) will be chosen based on the group's language skills.

Recommended clothing in the Arctic: Woolen underwear as the base layer, warm wool or fleece trousers & sweater on the top, two layers of socks (thin & thick woolen socks), windproof layer on the top (spacious clothing is recommended since air is the best insulation), gloves, warm hat (wind proof), scarf or flees- tube.

All participants are responsible to dress properly for the trip, and to have sufficient level of physical fitness. If the guide consider that a participant does not have proper clothes or physical fitness level for the activity, he or she can decide that the participant cannot take part in the trip due to security reasons. This trip is not suitable for persons suffering from back pains. Pregnant women cannot participate on any of the mentioned trips arranged by Basecamp Spitsbergen. Basecamp takes no responsibility to any health issues, due to neglecting this advice.

In Svalbard, weather conditions can change quickly. We can meet heavy winds, snowstorms or thick fog, crevasses and lack of snow or ice. This means we might need to make changes to the planned route, and this might result in changes in the adventure program. We will always do our outmost to give our guests a great experience in the Arctic, but we must be aware that characteristics of the destination.

Due to safety reasons there must be minimum one adult per child on the dogsledding trips arranged by Basecamp Explorer Spitsbergen. The minimum age for taking care of children on a dogsledding trip and to travel by yourself is 16 years.
Age limit for dog sledding with Basecamp Explorer:
Children from age 6 years can attend a 4-hour dogsledding adventure along with parents, and the temperature limit is -15 degrees.

All dog sledding trips require that you run the dog team yourself, with supervising from the husky guide in advance.

The organizer has liability insurance through Gjensidige insurance. The organizer has provided a guarantee to the Governor of Svalbard for costs associated with rescue operations. The customer is responsible for taking out travel insurance before participating in the journey.
On booking later than 1 month before arrival, credit card information must be given or payment made at the first opportunity. Cancellation of day trips / activities and hotel room:
Cancellations up to 22 days before the date are reimbursed in full.
Cancellations 22-7 days before the date are reimbursed by 50%.
Cancellations 7 days before date are not reimbursed at all.

Basic price:

NOK 2,190 per person


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